A la Llibreria Linguae, els professors i les professores de totes les escoles i instituts tenen el 5% de descompte en tots els llibres i jocs que comprin.
També mantenim convenis de col·laboració amb diferents entitats i institucions docents a través dels quals els seus alumnes, treballadors i/o associats gaudeixen de descomptes especials, tant en la compra de llibres com en la inscripció a les activitats en idiomes de la llibreria.
Bo de descompte LINGUAE
Si ets professor / a en una escola o institut, o si estudies o treballes a la UdG, EUSES o EOI, envia'ns un email amb l'assumpte "Bo de descompte" i una foto del teu carnet de beneficiari i t'enviarem el teu codi de descompte perquè puguis comprar els llibres que necessitis tranquil·lament des de casa.
I was born in October 1962 and grew up in Washington, DC, where my father was a photographer for the Washington Post. It’s a strange place to live if you’re not involved in politics. After graduating with a BA in English from Oberlin College in Ohio, I moved to London, and have lived there ever since, with my British husband and son. I now have dual nationality, but my accent is still American.
I worked for several years as a reference book editor, which taught me a lot about research, accuracy, and the importance of editing as part of the writing process. I put these lessons to use when I did an MA in Creative Writing at the University of East Anglia in Norwich. I then juggled freelance editing with writing until my second novel, Girl with a Pearl Earring, began to do well, and I was able to write full-time. I’ve published 10 novels so far. I'm working on my 11th.
When asked about hobbies, I’m always baffled at how to respond. My life isn’t divided into work and play; it’s one jumbled free-for-all. If pressed I would say: quilting, though I make them slowly and not particularly well. Gardening, though I am no good at keeping a tidy, show-stopping garden. I’m much better at guerrilla gardening, shoving plants willy-nilly into the small public patch in front of my house. And of course, reading, which has been a constant all my life, like brushing my teeth or drinking water.