Un novel·la que descriu lincreïble violència que coneix el mariner Marlow durant lèpoca del colonialisme en Àfrica. En Marlow viatja per el Congo, a la cerca del gran mercant divori, Kurtz, el geni universal, que regna sobre els seus territoris sembrant por i terror.
Marlow, a seaman, tells of a journey up the Congo. His goal is the troubled European and ivory trader Kurtz. Worshipped and feared by invaders as well as natives, Kurtz has become a godlike figure, his presence pervading the jungle like a thick, obscuring mist. As his boat labours further upstream, closer and closer to Kurtz's extraordinary and terrible domain, so Marlow finds his faith in himself and civilization crumbling. Conrad's Heart of Darkness has been considered the most important indictment of the evils of imperialism written to date.