Last Night és una col·lecció de històries de passió, com a sentiment a la vegada orgullós i sumís, destructiu i redemptor, emocionant i devastant. Un poeta haurà de demostrar amor a la seva dona per poder salvar la seva relació. Un llibreter és veu obligat a enfrontar-se a la seva vida, de la qual havia fugit fins ara. En cada història sorgeix lestil emocional i introspectiu de Salter, un dels escriptors més essencials.
Last Night is a spellbinding collection of stories about passion-by turns fiery and subdued, destructive and redemptive, alluring and devastating. These ten powerful stories portray men and women in their most intimate moments. A lover of poetry is asked by his wife to give up what may be his most treasured relationship. A book dealer is forced to face the truth about his life. And in the title story, a translator assists his wife's suicide, even as he performs a last act of betrayal. James Salter's assured style and emotional insight make him one of our most essential writers