Designed to revive The Art of Conversation(R), TAOC(R) is a fabulous way to have balanced, interesting and meaningful communications. This critically-acclaimed Children's Edition is fun and easy to use; great for developing communication skills and healthy relationships, as well as understanding oneself for ages 4 and up. Contains over 200 communication areas plus instruction booklet. TAOC(R) Children's works well in a variety of settings on various levels, encouraging individual development and insight into oneself as well as others, making TAOC(R) Children's ideal for use in a multitude of educational and therapeutic settings, as well as being fun for all! TAOC(R) Children's is highly effective in numerous areas including: Special Needs ESL, Gifted Programs, Anti-Bullying, Language Delays, Literacy and Language Development, Children at Risk, Speech Pathology, and so much more; leading TAOC(R) Children's to be praised by Educators, Therapists, Parents and Children. TAOC(R) Children's teaches that differences need not create conflicts; it helps clear pathways and emotional blocks to learning and understanding; and facilitates bonding, integration and attachment.
TAOC(R) Children's was carefully-researched, developed and tested; proof of the quality of the end result is its GAME OF THE YEAR Award - Creative Play.